Did you know? Your ultimate facts about the web, domains and crypto

Most expensive domain

In 2010, USD 49.7m was paid for the most expensive domain: www.carinsurance.com. Most domains are sold on secondary market; means, from people which already own a specific domain and then start reselling it. 

Top domain extensions

.com is by far the largest namespace globally. After that .de follows on rank two. Followed by .cn for china. Since 2018, the development of completely new domain extensions like .io or .ai are on the rise and mostly used by startups.

3. Transparency and predictability on what you are earning

Partnership is all about fairness. This reflects in the predictability of your payouts that you earned through referring traffic to our website. A fair affiliate program has no exceptions in your payouts, no complicated payout calculations and no incomprehensible fine print. In out BitDomain.BIZ Affiliate Program every unique client that you refer earns you $5.00 payed out in Bitcoin (BTC) – no exceptions.

Success criteria 3: Payouts need to be transparent and predictable

4. Realtime overview on your referrals

The secret to long-lasting partnerships is trust. Thus all your referrals and transactions should be accessible to you instantly when they occur. Having an overview at anytime about what you earn is out highest priority. We send you a notification e-mail every time there is a purchase referred by you. No need for you to wait for purchasing statistics or having to log in to complicated dashboards.

Success criteria 4: Earnings should be accessible in realtime

5. Payouts at any time

As an affiliate partner you provide referrals instantly but you have to wait for your payouts several weeks? That does not seem to be a fair deal in a partnership. You deserve nothing less than timely payouts for the customers you have referred. We payout every transaction in Bitcoin (BTC) to the wallet that you have provided just hours after the purchase has been confirmed.

Success criteria 5: Payouts should happen timely and at any time.

When we launched our BitDomain.BIZ Affiliate and Partner Program  we had these 5 success criteria in mind. Check out our Referral System and sign up as an Affiliate Partner and start earning Bitcoin (BTC) for referring customers to us.